I’ve got two more cats, but both of them are still stray cats. Patty meows every time she sees me arriving and she walks with me the all the way from my car to my house. She has yellow fur and, even though she doesn’t speak Spanish, she is very friendly with me. At the beginning when I first meet her, I thought she was my neighbor’s cat, so when she went out to visit her country, I decided to feed the cat until she returned. Then, I discovered she wasn’t my neighbor’s cat. How could I deny that defenseless cat food now? I feed her every day at my front door; she knows I will give her food, that’s why she stays sitting down there, and she waits for me to get her food inside the house. I wish I could adopt her because we get along. “El niño” is the last cat and he is the babies’ father; he comes to visit very often, but not every day. He is a good father, I guess. He is hurt all the time, as if he had fights constantly. He is ugly, big and gets easily scared, but I don’t mind. I like him because when he realized Lisita was here, he started coming to visited her and he would stare at her through the door’s window as if telling her: “Here I am, my love, to rescue you and to set you free”. Of course, he would wait to have a well-served plate of food too. I get really excited when I see him waiting on the patio, so I turn on the lights as fast as I can so that he can notice I have already seen him. I love his face when I show him food is coming. I’ve never touched him but that’s fine with me. We’re friends, anyway.
I always thought of myself as being a dog person, but now I think I changed the definition of me: I’m an animal lover, and I love my cats as I never thought I could ever love a cat.
2 comentarios:
Good job!
Thank you teachersito, usted sabe que sus palabras significan mucho para mi =D
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